AVC-1000/AVC-3000 Pressure Volume Controller
Brand: Ashcroft IncAshcroft pressure volume controllers provide an easy-to-use means of rapidly and accurately adjusting pressure in a closed system.
These pressure controllers provide the ability to precisely adjust pressure within 0.00025 psi.
When used with digital pressure gauges, dial gauges, transducers, pressure switches, air deadweight testers, manometers and other similar devices they provide a fast and accurate means for setting a precise pressure.
Features- Precisely set a pressure in a closed pneumatic system
- Pneumatic volume controller
- Piston/cylinder device provides fine adjustment in closed pneumatic systems
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Models matching criteria: 3
Bench Mounting Bracket
100+ In Stock
Does not ship to OH, United States
Precision Pressure Volume Controller for Use with Pressures up to 3000 psi
100+ In Stock
Does not ship to OH, United States
Precision Pressure Volume Controller for Use with Pressures up to 1000 psi
50+ In Stock
Does not ship to OH, United States
NPT Connection
- 1/8" NPT Female
Materials of Construction
- Brass
- Buna-N
- Delrin
- Stainless Steel
- Teflon
Enclosure, Body Material
- Aluminum
Pressure Range
- Vacuum to psi: 0 to 1,000 (kPa: 0 to 6,900, bar: 0 to 69) - Model AVC-1000
- Vacuum to psi: 0 to 3,000 (kPa: 0 to 20,680, bar: 0 to 206.8) - Model AVC-3000
Approvals & Certifications
- ISO 9001
Pressure Type
- Gauge
- Vacuum
Proof Pressure
- psi: 3,000 (kPa: 20,680, bar: 206.8) - Model AVC-1000
- psi: 6,000 (kPa: 41,370, bar: 413.7) - Model AVC-3000
Operating Temperature
- -6.6° to 48.8° C (20° to 120° F)
Burst Pressure
- psi: 12,000 (kPa: 82,740, bar: 827.4) Min. - Model AVC-3000
- psi: 6,000 (kPa: 41,370, bar: 413.7) Min. - Model AVC-1000
- psi: 0.00025 (kPa: 0.001724, bar: 0.00001724) - Model AVC-1000
- psi: 0.0005 (kPa: 0.003447, bar: 0.00003447) - Model AVC-3000
- Calibration Labs
- Test & Measurement